Not everyone who holds a high position is a leader, not the president, the CEO of a company, not a king, not a chancellor or inspector general of police (IGP).

Leadership is very precious and it is also the path to greatness. We give birth to a leader but we don’t buy leadership, you can also sometimes practice it if you wish.

The amount of money you have in the bank can never give you the love of the masses, not even the position you are occupying, not your certificate and not even your family background.

The number of enemies you have killed in the battle field cannot give you that title “A GREAT KING”, but a HERO. Not even the power you possess. You will lose that power when the masses realize that you are not qualified.

When you did not utilize that power very well, you will be disgrace by a toddler, like how David did to soul.

A king can never be grateful on his or her own power unless the support and love of his people.

You can’t be a successful politician without the love and support of the masses, and that support doesn't depend on the amount of money you will to them, but to gain that love and support from them you need to sacrifice.

When I say sacrifices, iam not talking about sacrificing a cow, goat, or even a human being, but you have to sacrifice your egotistical character, that your snobbish character, you need to serve your people, give them what they deserve from you and you will receive what you also deserve.

Sacrifice your parochial and personal interests and let their happiness be your number one priority, come down to their level, speak to them and give them a chance to hear their grievances and take it into consideration.

You have to sometimes put yourself in their shoes and feel how hot and smelling it is. Have it in mind that they don’t have the privileges you have.

You have to sometime beery your pride and listen to them, ask them your mistakes and never take annoyance on anyone who tries to correct you.

And do not turn your back to them when you got the power, otherwise your reign will be so pathetic like king Nebuchadnezzar and soul’s reign. When you don’t know and snub them in terms of your power, they will someday descend on you like a scavenge bees and it will go down to your future generation.

When you gain the power and you can’t fulfill all your promises, at least fulfill 70% of them and they will never forget you during your return.

Because “a mother who has plenty children does not eat to the bream of her stomach” (gh. Kassava)

Let them confined in you than any other else. A king that doesn’t joke with the future of his youth reigns forever. For the youth they need nothing from you apart from trust, care and love. Even at the peak of your power still, draw them nearer to yourself and let their future be your number one priority, give them the chance to become greater than you are.

Because every good leader wanted to see his or her steward greater than him someday.

When that happens, your reign will last forever.

Now Who is a leader?

                  A leader is someone who leads, direct, guides, motivates and inspires others.

Someone can occupy a high position but he or she is not a leader, the person is just a boss but not a leader. It is better to be a leader than a boss.

A leader is different from a boss and if you want to combined them, you will by all means throw yourself into confusion. Everyone can be a boss but not a leader.

Many politicians are losing their seat today because they lack of leadership style. Today a lot of companies are collapsing due to lack of leadership style by their bosses.

Education can groom someone to become a boss but it is difficult to be a good leader.

           A good leader must focus on building relationship: as a leader you have to build a strong relationship between you and your followers, you have to give them the chance to come nearer to you.

Dot not treat them as trash and also, do not be egotistical, smile to them, complement them and let them feel some brotherhood with you, let them fell safely in your hands.

Your followers will never have any negative thoughts about you when they realize that you have them at heart, they will always try their best to be sincere to you. But if you treat them anyhow, they will not like you and also try to bring you down to their level, or if something happens and they supposed to take your side, they will rather snub you like a little brat.

A good leader doesn’t take annoyance on his or followers for days, but he or she rather correct them from their mistakes, they treat everyone equally.

As a good leader you don’t say that “we don’t need you if you like go” but they rather explain things to their followers for them to understand, try to bring them together if they find out any differences between their followers.

Don’t easily get angry and trying to fire your follower when you heard him or her bad-mouthing you, but let the victim understand that you are aware of what he or she said and again let he or she tell you his or her reasons, maybe you might find something positive from the person, that one shows the difference between you and them.

Dot not take quick decisions, otherwise you will jeopardize a lot of your chances.

Be positive all the time and stand on your grounds, know what you are doing and be flexible.

            Again, try to influence them: as a leader you have the privilege to speak and influence them positively. So, you don’t have to use harsh words to influence them but rather motivations

           Influence goes with communication, it will depend on how you communicate to your followers that will influence them. Let them know the positive and negative effects of your agender,

It is not the matter of shouting on them that will make them work, but the way you talk to them, even if you are not around they will still be happy to work harder.

                Involvement: you should also get yourself fully involved in what ever project is to be done.

A leader normally says that “let do it together” but a boss normally give directions. When ever you involve yourself in the what the group or the association is doing, it motivates your followers to work harder and happier than ordering them, when the person sees you working he or she can’t leave the work.

                 Tolerance: you should allow your followers to share their views, when they are given the opportunity to express themselves, some of them might be having good plan and policies for the organization or the association.

Accept corrections when you go wrong.

A good leader wins the heart of the masses with few words (gh. Kassava)


Tipoabor Npoayiba Prosper Jehoshaphat

Popularly Known As “Kassava”

