on 1st August 2023 one of the student politicians of university of education wenneba, Tipoabor Npoayiba Prosper Jehoshaphat, popularly knows KASSAVA came out with a write up that NDC is a political garbage.

He said, in the recent times majority of the national democratic congress (NDC) media communicators are going around on medias trying to brain wash the minds of the ordinary Ghanaians due the present and passed situations the good people of Ghana are passing through due the pandemic that hit the world and throw its economy into a ditch, with their hogwash agender.

         But I will say that, the past is truly behind us, we should sometimes neglect political way of presenting issues and rather speak the facts, when you look at the mundus operandi Nana Addo and the NPP government use to handle the almighty pandemic that hit the world shows that they have feelings for humanity.

He cited that, according to estimation, the Government of Ghana spent about GH¢16.93 million (equivalent to US$2.92 million) monthly as COVID-19 response incentives, which translates into US$35 million by the end of 2020, all this affected the economy of the country.

           Even the develop countries couldn’t managed the pandemic like way the NPP government did for the past years.

If those that normally travels outside the country will be sincere, they will testify the calamities and financial difficulties even the develop countries are facing in the recent times.

According to him, On February 2023 the south Africans petition the paliament to declare a vote of no confidence against their seating president His Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa due the economic hardship the inhabitants of the country are going through.

The COVID-19 pandemic sent shock waves through the world economy and triggered the largest global economic crisis in more than a century. The crisis led to a dramatic increase in inequality within and across countries.

From 2020 to 2023, the cumulative net economic output of the United States will amount to about $103 trillion. Without the pandemic, the total of GDP over those four years would have been $117 trillion – nearly 14% higher in inflation-adjusted 2020 dollars, according to analysis.

And Chinese provinces spent at least $51.6 billion on COVID curbs in 2022,

Ghana is also getting oil from Russia that was the reason why we were facing the challenge in rise of fuel price during last years because of the Russian Ukraine war they decided not to sell their fuel to any of the countries again, those who normally asks what do our problems get to do with the war. Mahama did no encounter all this challenge but he managed the well.

He also said, President Akufo Addo and the NPP government has done a lot for Ghana if i want to compare what the NDC has done for the past years without the past situations, there is a gap between them.

             I wander when Mahama came out to blame NPP government over Ghana’s economy, it so pathetic to see his baloney, balderdash, hogwash and baseless allegation he was spitting out, during the NDC government, there is nothing like the past situations but what could they do for the country apart from stealing the state money by using the importation of guinea fowls as a point.

During the NDCs government, bad road was killing innocent souls everyday

Electricity power outage and tariffs where so appalling,

Corruption was everywhere in the public sectors.

His ministers and appointees were stealing the state money building outside the country, Alfred Agbesi Woyome for example, who stole for about GH51.2 million which can build more than four hospitals.

If I will send the minds of the good people of Ghana back, JJ Rawlings and his NDC destroyed the industries in the country, burning of tamale and Kumasi market in 1982 and  which rendered a lot of business men and women useless, even some have lost they lives due to heart broke.

This operation that took place in those days, that threw a lot of companies and industries into abyss, so I will therefore tell those political science scholars to stop their baloney blame on Nkrumah that he is the course of our economic problems today. They should rather blame JJ Railings.

About 10,000 of people died of assort disease, like cholera, typhoid fever, Malaria etc. due the lack of funds to pay hospital bills, and also lack of portable water for the people to drink which also brought about guinea worms infects.

But after His Excellency John Agyekum Kufuor and the NPP came on power, they introduced national health insurance scheme to help those who could not pay their hospital bills to attend free health care.

He also extended pipeline to several places in the country to supply portable water in the country and dug boreholes in the villages to give them portable water.

Under the NPP administration, free basic school was introduced to help those in the remote part of the country to send their children to school without paying anything.

Electricity was extended to majority of the villages.

Youth employment policy was introduced to employ the youth that has completed senior high school (SHS) by then, which help majority of them to feather their education and majority became professors today.

Nurses and teacher training allowances was also introduced to help some of the needy student to pay their school fees and buy books.

               according to him, after the NDC came to power, they cancelled the youth employment policy, nurses and teachers training allowance, the health insurance was not all that effective anymore etc.

Because of their incompetency to fix the electricity, they rather sold it to PDF which was a private sector, looking at the money the ECG is generating for the country.

He also increased the fees of senior high school which prevent a lot of good student from having access to SHS after their BECE, majority has turn into vagabonds today due to the parochial and bad policies of the NDC.

When Nana Addo came on power, he notices that, a lot of brilliant students are in the house because they can pay school fees and he also introduced free senior high school which help a lot of people to send their children to SHS.

He also introduced agenda 111 policy, a lot of factories are built.

He cited that, the Agenda 111 project includes 101 district hospitals, six regional hospitals in the newly created regions, two specialized hospitals in the middle and northern belts, as well as a regional hospital in the Western Region and renovation of the Effia-Nkwanta Regional Hospital

A total 87 projects out of 111 sites of government’s Agenda 111 projects have commenced and are at various stages of construction,

The NPP government also brought back nursing and teacher training allowance again to the student.

Some of them with their hogwash agender came out to say that Mahama built the E- block or community schools, but I will say that this is political prokoko and political insanity, if school buildings are established and school fees is increased, how do student go to that school?

HE said, NDC government doesn’t favors the poor but only the rich people, they don’t think about the youth but their parochial and personal interests.

If Mahama and his NDC is couldn’t do anything for the past eight years, do you think he can and will use the extra four years he is looking for to do something?

NDC is a political garbage, let throw it away.

He therefore concluded that, Mahama is coming to worsen the situation, he is not coming like Moses, he knows very well the next four years to come he will not come back again, so therefore he can choose to do anything he likes.

He is rather coming to steal our money.

Looking at the past history of NPP, it is obvious that they have the good intentions for Ghanaians and also people of Ghana at heart.

Let bring NPP back and things will continue to change positively

Tipoabor Npoayiba Prosper Jehoshaphat

                                                                                                                        Popularly knows GH. KASSAVA
