Hon. Geoffrey Kini and The NDC took the people of Nkwanta South for granted


The member of Parliament for Nkwanta South constituency, Hon. Geoffrey Kini, and the NDC has taken the good people of Nkwanta South constituency with no consideration for the past eight (eight) years.

 Nkwanta constituency is supposed to be one of the most developed constituencies inside the Oti region, looking at its geographical location. Aside from the inter-tribal war, I do not think the constituency lacks anything. 

The constituency is full of natural resources like wood and cocoa, and it has a massive landscape for any type of developmental project. The human capital and every kind of agricultural product, and specifically, the young people, are hardworking and intelligent. in contrast to different constituencies where the youth do not like difficult works; however, as an alternative, they depend on stealing, prostitution, and different types of diabolical approaches to make a living.

 With all this noted above, Nkwanta South constituency is still under development. For the past 24 years, the people of Nkwanta South constituency has been voting for the NDC, but a variety of problems are going through us. 

Lack of portable water has come to be a song in most of the villages; however, we thank God that Hon. Sheriffa Sekyere Tinjani has provided plenty of the villages with bore holes. 

Again, terrible roads are killing harmless souls. Also a number of incredible students can't get access to high school due to a lack of able member of Parliament (MP) to foyer for scholarships for them. 

Moreover, pregnant women are dying inside the villages due to the lack of an awesome avenue community, health facilities and ambulance carrier. The two hospitals in constituency lack a whole lot of medical equipment, which includes dialysis facilities for kidney patients, and they have to convey the patients all the way to Tamale or Tralfalga for remedy, at the same time as Nkwanta and Krachi are the only towns that have hospitals in Oti. All this is happening due to the awful or incompetent MPs we pick in the constituency. 

You and I understand thoroughly that it is the obligation of the Member of Parliament (MP) to put up all of the grievances of his constituency with the authorities for solutions to be furnished, but they cannot try this. 

There's one ridiculous assertion I heard from our current MP, Hon. Geoffrey Kini, that "his government isn't always in electricity (power), so he cannot do something." What reasonably priced speak!! Permit me to refer you to a number of the NDC MPs who aren't in power but nevertheless carry out their work marvelously. 

1. Hon. Harun Iddrisu, 2. Hon. Ablakwa and 3. Hon. Sam George,  So if Nkwanta South MP stated he couldn't do something in competition, then I feel incompetent. So it is time for us, the youth of Nkwanta, to voice out at the polls and let them know that we deserve better; we aren't fools. We also deserve those scholarships. 

Our mothers in the villages need proper clinical equipment and ambulance services for safe shipping. This is the time for our parents, who sweat to take us to school, need us the most.

 Let's put that partisan mark somewhere and vote for change. Let's go out there to speak to our parents, brothers, and sisters who could not get the privilege to learn how to read. 

We, the youths, are the majority, and our destiny, that of our brothers and sisters, relies upon the decisions we take on December 24th, and all of the population of Nkwanta South constituency is looking forward to us. 

So i therefore write to challenge the youth of Nkwanta South constituency to put Hajia hon. Sheriffa Sekyere Tinjani into a test to see her eligibility by sending her to parliament on December 24th. 

Let us all speak to our parents, brothers and sisters for a change because we deserve better than what we are going through under hon. Geoffrey Kini.

Hon. Kennedy Agyapong once said "Ghana is no longer seeking out change; however, change is seeking out Ghana." 

And Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah said, "change, when it is denied on too long delay, violence will break up here and there; not that man plan or willed it, but their accumulated grievances will erupt with volcanic ferry."

 #Arise the youth of Nkwanta South constituency 

Writer: Tipoabor Npoayiba Prosper Jehoshaphat (GH~KASSAVA )


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