On 24th July, 2023 one of the renowned Joshua Makubu, the regional minister of oti-region's activist, Hon. Nimorni Silas has replied to the social media banters, according to him who are trying to soil the name of the regional minister. 

The following is the write up of Hon. Nimorni Silas

*Response to frivolous and incompetent attempt to tarnish the reputation of the Oti Regional Minister-Hon. Joshua Makubu* 

We are disappointed by the deliberate attempt of some unknown individuals to tarnish the reputation of Hon. Joshua Makubu. However, their efforts will not succeed, as no amount of jealousy and greed can bring him down. "Whom God has blessed, no one can curse."

He cited that, normally, they wouldn't respond to such a pusillanimous and incompetent write-up. But since some lazy, lackadaisical, languorous and opportunistic politicians are using it to support their failing campaign, we feel the need to address it:

1. According to him regarding the issue of sugar and rice supplied to various constituencies by the office of the Vice President, we want to emphasize that each constituency received the appropriate amount under the leadership of the Regional Nasara Coordinator, Shaributu. We challenge any Nasara coordinator who believes they received less than they were supposed to come forward with their complaint. The source of the rice and sugar, as well as the quantities allocated to each constituency, can be verified.

2. He again said that, as for the issue of cutlasses, weedicides, wellington boots, and other items, the regional officers and various assemblies have the waybills and records of quantities received and signed for. It is easy for any serious and rational person to verify and compare these quantities instead of relying on rumors. Hon. Joshua Makubu is not selfish and will not take anything that doesn't belong to him, either secretly or through the abuse of power. He never took a single liter of weedicide. Those who did receive some are known, and their names can be provided along with evidence of collection from the assemblies and, if necessary, the office of the Regional Minister. The writer is ignorant, as constituency chairmen do not receive items from the Regional Minister. RM has never issued anything to any constituency chairman, and we challenge any chairman to claim otherwise.

3. Concerning the accusation that the Minister uses his disability to gain favors, it is important to note that it would take the writer several lifetimes to match the level of personal achievements that the Regional Minister has attained. At the time he first appeared on the regional scene, he was an MPhil student at the University of Ghana Business School, and none of the other aspirants or opponents had a better standing than him. When he contested for Regional Secretary, he was a PhD candidate. The Regional Minister has campaigned for four past parliamentary candidates and has visited over 80% of the communities in Nkwanta South, despite his disability. He has worked tirelessly for the party in every single constituency in the Volta region, and now in the Oti region, according him.

4. There are also rumors about motorbikes that the former Minister for Railway Development, Hon. Joe Ghartey, supported the region with. Our investigation shows that there were 10 bikes supplied through the late Hon. Marlon, may he rest in peace. The Regional Minister, who was the Regional Secretary at the time, received them on behalf of the regional party. Unlike others who have sold or hoarded campaign items, the Regional Secretary presented the bikes to the regional chairman. These bikes were for the region, not specifically for Nkwanta South. It is foolish to think that the Regional Secretary would receive items meant for a constituency without the presence of constituency officers. 

The party operational team sent to the Nkwanta South constituency who were denied means of transportation and food by the candidate were at the presentation ceremony. They appealed to the regional chairman through the Regional Secretary, who provided two bikes for their rounds. The Secretary also requested a motorbike for the Kabre youth who were already campaigning for the candidate in the constituency. The remaining bikes were assigned for other duties by the regional chairman. The Regional Minister should be praised for using his position to secure three out of the ten bikes for the Nkwanta South constituency.

5. As for the accusation that the Regional Minister favors his tribe and brings in outsiders from the North, it is important to note that people from various tribes and regions, including Akans, Akyode, Muslims, Kabre, Ewes, Adele, Ntrobo, and Nchumuru, have all received jobs through the Regional Minister. It is not a crime to assist those who have supported you, regardless of their tribe. Konkombas matter too. Credibility is important, and many people can vouch for the Regional Minister's credibility.

He also concluded tha, Hon. Joshua Makubu has worked with Hon. Joe Denteh as a parliamentary candidate and DCE, Hon. Blagodzi as the Youth Organiser and Deputy Minister,  Hon. Edusei as a PC and Hon. Sekyere Sherifa Tijani as a  PC. He has good working relationships with them. Trustworthy individuals can work well with others. When it comes to credibility, many people can vouch for Hon. Joshua Makubu.


Communication Team

The editor: Tipoabor Npoayiba Prosper Jehoshaphat 

popularly known as kassava 
