A man fainted after hearing the election results in Odumase-Ashiabre electoral area. 

Yesterday, December 19, 2023, all the electoral areas in Ghana went and expressed their minds at Poling stations across the country by electing their assembly members. Something so hilarious happened in one of the electoral areas under Nkwanta oti-region, the Odumase-Ashiabre electoral area.

The competition was between three candidates,

Mr. Agyei David, Mr. Madugu, and Mr. Yelegne Edward, who is also the sitting assembly member at the same time a presiding member in Nkwanta municipality.

But one ridiculous thing here is that Mr. Edward Yelegne and Mr. Agyei David are family members, and Mr. Agyei David is supposed to allow Mr. Edward Yelegne to go for two terms. 

But because of political party affiliations, he decided to remain close-minded, thinking that he would or might have the voice of the people.

The question here is: why wouldn't you allow your brother to serve two terms to fulfill the political tradition of Ghana? After the election, 

MR. AGYEI DAVID. 653. (29%)

MR. MADUGU, 423.  (19%)

Mr. Edward Yelegane 1108  (52%)

After the election, Edward Yelegne came out victorious.

So one Mr. Agyei Manai, whose brother's son is Mr. Agyei David After hearing the election results,  fainted and was rushed to the Nkwanta Municipal Hospital. We are hoping to see him alive.

           Written and edited by Kassava media


Robert Ipiin said…
Hahaha. Tha was funny. Thanks for sharing