Tipoabor Npoayiba Prosper Jehoshaphat popularly known as KASSAVA said those that are pointing fingers at the regional minister of oti- regional for being the course of the conflict in Nkwanta oti-region

Below are his write up:

I therefore write to tell those who are pointing fingers at the regional minister for being the course of the present happenings in Nkwanta oti-region to put a stop it 

A lot of them in social media platforms are making an ligation that the regional minister Joshua Makubu is the head of security affairs in oti-region and therefore he took the issue at hand lightly that erupts the present situation in Nkwanta oti-region.

But, what i want to put to them is that the conflict in Nkwanta oti-region is older than the regional minister, because this current one is not the first conflict to occur in Nkwanta oti-region it is a tempered wound, the question here is that, are they trying to say that the then regional minister was the course of the one that happened before this current one or?

We should not put this conflict into political context but we should rather treat it with seriousness because people's livelihood is in danger.

Children have become premature ophans and women have become widows 

The three tribes in Nkwanta oti-region have their political and opinion leaders, and religious leaders as well, why didn't they advise their people not to pull a trigger.

They have the privilege to speak to their youths so that they can lay down their arms, but what are they doing about it and you people with your hokus pokus propaganda are rather blaming the regional minister?

You and i know very well that, the festival was celebrated by one of the tribes that brought about all this conflict.

Anyways, there is already a confrontation between those tribes but it was the festival that instigated it.

The day they wanted to do that celebration the regional minister told them not to celebrate it but they paid a deaf ears to him.

Again the current MCE, the formal DCE and the formal votal deputy regional minister are members of one of the tribes.

Which advice have they given to their people.


No one should ever put blame on the regional minister again because their own leaders are not trying their best to help advise their tribes by cooling down their tempers.

The last one i want to say is that, if they didn't stop all these killings, it will at the end result in a multi - tribal conflict.

This is to the sense that if they mistakenly shoot any different tribe, it will not be the three tribes only but it will involve other tribes.

So I therefore appeal to the leaders of both tribes to please advise their people to Cool down their tempers and focus on something productive.

I also appeal to the students of both tribes to advise their parents to stop the trigger and focus on the progress of their children's future, otherwise posterity will judge them.

We need peace in Nkwanta.



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