Mahama is planning to undertake a constitutional amendment

John Mahama and his NDC will try to amend part of the 1992 constitution of the Republic of Ghana when he is voted into power during the 2024 general election, and this will cause something chaotic in the country. 

Why am I saying this? You all know that John Dramani Mahama has been voted the flag bearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), and he is to lead them for only four years, which will make him attain the eight years that he is seriously demanding for.

It is also obvious and difficult for a political party to run for twelve years, and if the party luckily spends four years with Mahama, his successor might also resume the office for four years, and Ghanaians might maybe vote the party out for the NPP to come. 

So, when this happens, the overthrown president, who is the NDC, has to go on opposition for eight years again, because Ghanaians will like to give the NPP eight years if things are going well for them, which will lead that president to become a candidate once again, and if care is not taken, the delegates might vote such a person out during their presidential primaries for another candidate, which will be another issue to talk about. 

This shows that if, by mistake, nothing changes in the political tradition in Ghana, the NDC will not gain two consecutive terms in order anymore, which will also affect their political party financially, and the party can even collapse in the days to come. 

So, provided Article 66, Clause 2, of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana does not permit a president to be in office for more than eight years, which states that” A person shall not be elected to hold office as President of Ghana for more than two terms,” they will have nothing to do about it unless they amend it. 

That was the reason why Haruna Iddrisu was sacked from the position of minority leader, and to nicely name it a reshuffle, what a heck! According to Kwesi Pratt,” there was a secret meeting that went on in the camp of the NDC, and according to John Mahama, provided he has been in opposition for eight years, it will be difficult for the next person after him to break the eight-year term, making twelve years, so therefore the leadership of the party should give him two terms again, which will help balance the political tradition of Ghana.

 And if such happens, he will therefore make a constitutional amendment that will help rule the country for more than eight years”, and if such happens, Ghana is navigating towards what happened in La Cote de voire and other countries that had such situations before. You know my very good and political mentor, Hon. Haruna Edrisu. He likes to speak his mind; he told Mahama straight that you are not the only political guru in NDC, so such privilege will not be given to you. 

If Ghanaians give you the opportunity, that means you have served your eight years plus the ex-president's, so you have to go and allow others to come. And as we know, Haruna Iddrisu was the major character in the NDC’s political drama, and he can  hinder his presidential ambition. 

That is why he went and teamed up with Hon. Aseidu Nketia, the current national chairman of the NDC, to have my mentor, Hruna Edrisu, removed from the leadership of the party, which will prevent him from hindering his parochial and personal interests. If Haruna Edrisu is not part of the leadership of the party, he wouldn’t get the opportunity to stop them from undertaking such decisions and would successfully execute his ambitions. So, I will therefore create awareness among the good citizens of Ghana about the diabolical steps that Mahama and his NDC are planning to take.

                   Written and edited by Kassava media 
