Mahama's 24 hours economy is what i discrib as political mendaciloquence

Mahama's 24-hour economy is what I describe as political mendaciloquence.

The leader and 2024 flag bearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, has reiterated his promise to equip the youth of Ghana with the knowledge and skills needed for a sustainable future and introduce a 24-hour economy. In a statement to commemorate 2023 International Youth Day, Mr. Mahama said his administration will maximize the potential of agriculture and provide critical social and IT infrastructure to stimulate economic growth.

But the question here is: during his term of office, where were those policies before Ghanaians were dying of heat due to electricity power outages and tariffs?

People were dying of economic hardship; parents could not afford their children's school fees, and there were no hospital beds for pregnant women.

Unemployment was a song of his term of office; he categorically started by saying that he was not a magician to create unexisting jobs for the youth in the country. So, Mr. Mahama, in which part of the world did you go for the magic again? What a hokus pokus agenda!

Political zabernism was everywhere in the country, as was the selling of state properties. What I see here is that Mahama and his NDC are depleted of camping massages.

In fact, Ghana was a hell to ordinary Ghanaians. It is a shame for us as the citizens of Ghana to give them such privilege again.

What I have to say here is that Mahama has nothing to offer the people of Ghana anymore because he has done his worst and there is nothing left for him to offer.

According to him, Nana Ado and his NPP have thrown the economy into a ditch, and he and the NDC are coming to resurrect the economy again. In fact,  this man has no shame, and he is mistaking himself for someone who has not been in government before. Mr. Mahama During your government, the economy was in a state of makosa, and the country was floating on the edge of disaster.

Mahama and his NDC are not coming to serve us as Ghanaians but rather to run this country into bankruptcy and send us to HIPC.

He is coming again for business, his personal, and parochial interests.

If that is the case, after his eight years in office he couldn't do anything to save this country, is it four years that he can use to do something? What a political crinkum krakum, political mendaciloquence, and higi haga!

Mahama and his NDC thought Ghanaians were fools, but no. What Tom and Jerry drama are you trying to display in front of the masses?

Ghanaians know what he is up for, and they are not going to give him such grace anymore. If we give him such grace, then we will have the short memory he had said some years ago. His time has expired, and I think he should rather go back to Bole, his village, to tell his grandchildren Kwaku Ananse stories.

Mahama cannot be a better president for Ghana, and even if he accidentally becomes president, Ghanaians will learn a bitter lesson from his government

                        Written and edited by Kassava media 


Mac said…
Point of correction bro, Mahamah never spent 8yrs in office. Do your search well.
More to the point your argument here is baseless. Dumsor as NPP put it was 99% solved before NPP took over power. Some hospitals were left uncommissioned by your insensitive NPP government since they felt it wasn't built by them.
Bro be more Ghanaian than just a beginner in blogging.